The Dock in partnership with Leitrim Community Training Centre presents a mask exhibition created by Leitrim Community Training Centre learners as part of their Art and Design module. The level 3 Art & Design module has a good selection of research, theory and hands-on making. It challenges the learner to work creatively and offers good opportunities to research ideas and subjects that are of a personal interest to each learner.
Before the mask-making begins learners do online research, and they use research ideas to inspire their own mask design. Outline drawings and colour work is done. Plaster is used to shape and add 3D elements to the masks. The mask-making project work, is a great outlet for learners as it allows for self-expression, development of ideas and pride in completed work.
Also on display: photographic exhibition “one day in July”. Photographs by: Ben, Brianna, Cian, Duncan, Emil, Jason, Kian, Lalita, PJay, Reece, Shannon and Sienna.The photographs displayed on the TV monitor were taken by current learners as part of this July summer project. The photographs capture a moment in time, one day in July.
If you would like to find out more about Leitrim Community Training Centre Email:
Leitrim Community Training Centre provides a range of free courses to young unemployed people and early school leavers aged 16-21 years. The centre courses are tailored to each learner’s needs, to help them gain maximum certification in a supportive and encouraging environment with the goal of assisting learners to progress to further education or training or into employment.